Nutritional Medicine
Unless we are eating a very balanced diet, it is easy to become deficient in many nutrients. This can affect our mood, sleep, energy, digestion, and skin. A nutritional assessment is performed at each consultation to ensure you are meeting your daily needs. If a nutrient is required we can explore ways to increase it through food sources, or supplementation.

Herbal Medicine
Herbs have been used in traditional medicine for centuries, and now with the ability to analyse their medicinal constituents, we can see how they have such a positive effect on the body. Herbal mixtures can work very quickly and effectively to assist almost any condition, and are customisable to each individual.

Dietary advice
Sometimes the food we eat, no matter how healthy, can make us feel worse. So a dietary analysis will be performed to ensure you are eating the right food for you. Many of us have intolerances to different constituents - FODMAPs, salicylates, amines etc, and some dietary guidance can be very beneficial.

Other services
I am the founder and owner of The Vibrant Mum Project - a beautiful group that provides support for tired mums, so they can improve their energy, and love the life they are living.
We focus on hormones regulation, gut health, iron deficiency, libido and so much more. There are monthly meal plans, and daily support
You can find more info here.
Testing methods
During the consultation there are many testing methods that can be utilised. These include but are not limited to, iridology assessment, blood pressure assessment, BIA, and neurological assessments.
A naturopath has access to many functional tests as well that can look at how well an organ or body system is working. These include a range of stool analysis tests to ascertain your level of 'good' and 'bad' bacteria, hair mineral analysis to investigate nutritional, and heavy metal levels, and hundreds of other blood, and urine tests.
I also offer the Hair test 500 which uses a small sample of hair to detect which foods and household products may or may not agree with you. This is very beneficial for any skin complaints, digestive upsets, and cases where fatigue, brain fog or headaches play a role.

Next Steps...
If you would like any further information please do not hesitate to call or email me using the details below, otherwise book an appointment - I would love to meet you!