Iron Deficient Mama

Iron deficient mama – this is not the time to berate yourself for not exercising enough.

This is not the time to feel guilty for resting when your child rests, and neglecting housework.

This is not the time to push yourself to do everything other mums are doing.

This is not the time to beat yourself up for not making meals from scratch.

You need to conserve your energy – you cannot push yourself too hard or you should, and will need to rest.

I used to push myself to go for a long walk, and then crash for hours and need to lie on the couch. Exercise induced fatigue exists!

I used to rush around cleaning up before my husband got home to make it look like I had been productive- when I really climbed into bed and watched Netflix for two hours while my daughter slept.

I used to feel bad for not going to mini maestros, play gym, swimming, play group, and all the other classes every week like other mums. I could only handle a few before I felt overwhelmed.

And I often felt guilty that my daughter ate organic rice cracker, packaged seaweed, popcorn, yoghurt and chia pouches and store bought bliss balls, but my ability to make all food from scratch for a child with severe food allergies and a dislike for my gluten free baking was diminished…

So mama – please, be kind to yourself. Give yourself a break – both figuratively and literally. Use all of your self care tools, ask for help, and know that help is here.

xxxxx Miranda xxxxx

For further information on iron deficiency in adults or kids follow my Facebook page – or click one of the following:

Link to page about iron deficiency in kids

Link to page about iron deficiency in women