Tired mums? Exhausted dads? Cranky kids?
Many of us are going through life in a tired stressed fog, and it doesn't have to be that way. Often by changing the foods we are eating, or ensuring we are getting the correct nutrients, we can feel a big change in our daily stamina.
Kids also feel tired and stressed due to the huge amount they are learning and growing - let me help you support them through diet and nutrition.
Pregnancy or breastfeeding support:
This is such a special time, and knowing the right way to help bring a bub into the world is so hard with all the conflicting information out there. If you would like support, and guidance on what you can, and cannot take during this time, or help with managing gestational diabetes, iron deficiency, headaches, nausea, birth support, mastitis, milk supply, low mood or energy - book in for an appointment.
If colic or reflux is keeping you, and your bub up - that is something I have experienced - and it can be improved through dietary changes, soothing herbs, and specific evidence based probiotics.
Special interests
As a naturopath, we are interested in, and learn about all aspects of health. Often we have additional areas of interest through what we ourselves have experienced, or the stage of life we are in that make us focus on that field. As a mum - I am interested in helping other parents, and their children, but also would love to help people create their family, or help with non family related health.

Premenopausal Osteporosis
Osteoporosis generally affects women after menopause, due to the change in hormone levels. However in some cases it can affect women during and after pregnancy, and prior to menopause - and there are different reasons this occur.
I have a special interest in this area and would like to help you investigate the why, when and how, and also assist with increasing bone density, and ensuring your diet, and digestion is providing enough nutrients, and they are being absorbed well.
If you have experience fractures or breaks, supporting healing, and reducing pain can also be achieved.

Allergies and Intolerances
Many children and adults are experiencing an increase in allergies or intolerances to food, or environmental irritants these days.
As a mum of a child with anaphylactic food allergies I have done a lot of research to figure out why, and what we can do on a day to day basis to reduce the risk of serious reactions.
There are some wonderful anti-allergenic nutrients and herbs that we use, as well as in depth testing methods to work out what you are reacting to.

Fatigue and Stress
These are two areas I love helping people overcome.
We live such busy stressful lives these days so we often need help getting back to a calm, rested state.
Fatigue and stress can affect our memory, mood, immunity, sleep, and so much more - so getting on top of it through nutrition, herbs, or lifestyle changes can make a big impact on our enjoyment of life.
I am so passionate about this and would love to help you.
Unsure if I can help?
If you do not fit one of these categories - never fear. I am interested in all aspects of health. However if you are looking for a specialist in a certain area to really dig deeper - contact me to find out if I can help, or if I know another amazing naturopath with that skill set. Book now, or contact me via the email and phone number below.